Epilepsy Specialist in Delhi

Epilepsy is a brain disorder characterized by episodes of seizures or fits. Any individual having two or more unprovoked seizures can be said to have epilepsy. Epilepsy disorder varies widely in its forms, causes, and severity. Epilepsy is also called a seizure disorder.
Epilepsy seizure is caused by the abnormal discharge of nerve cells in the brain, it’s similar to a short circuit in the brain. This abnormal discharge can occur in one part of the brain or may affect the whole brain. As per a neurology specialist in Delhi the symptom widely depends upon the area of the brain which activates the abnormal discharge.

Who all does Epilepsy Affect?
Anyone can develop epilepsy; Epilepsy affects both males and females of all ethnicity and backgrounds.

All types of epilepsy have seizures as a symptom, based on the symptoms and types of fits your doctor will decide what kind of epilepsy you have.
There are four basic types of epilepsy, which are described below:
Generalized Epilepsy: If you have generalized epilepsy seizure will affect both side of brain. Additionally these seizures can be motor or non-motor, which may involve physical movement or not. This epilepsy is also known as idiopathic
Focal Epilepsy: Focal epilepsy is described by the seizures arising from one part of brain. As per many researches genetic component can cause localized seizures. This type of seizures are often tends to be less severe than generalized seizures. Focal seizures are often visible in patient of stroke or individual suffering from head trauma.
Combined Epilepsy (Generalized & Focal): Combined epilepsy is when patient have both generalized & focal epilepsy. This condition is quite rare.
Unknown Epilepsy: In cases where your doctor is unable to identify the kind of epilepsy you have, they label them as unknown epilepsy.

Epilepsy specialist in Delhi

Epilepsy Treatment in Delhi
There are several types of treatment methods are available for epilepsy. Doctors typically use medication to manage and control the episodes of seizures. The medications are prescribed based on the symptoms and kind of seizures. In cases where individuals have drug-resistant, they may require surgery to manage their condition. For the treatment of epilepsy, you can consult an expert who is best in this field A Neurologist.
Dr. Mukesh Kumar has been recognized as the best neurologist in Delhi He has more than 22 years of expertise in dealing with various kinds of seizure & epilepsy disorders. Dr. Mukesh offers the latest method like deep brain stimulation to get rid of this debilitating condition.
To know more about the kind of treatment you require book an online appointment

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