What Is CA 19.9-

Antigens are substances that stimulate the immune system. Carbohydrate antigen CA 19.9is an antigen produced by pancreatic cancer cells. It is sometimes referred to as a tumor marker.

The CA 19.9Radioimmunoassay (RIA) is a blood test that determines the level of CA 19.9in the blood.

There are commercially available blood tests that may detect pancreatic cancer. CA 19.9testing cannot detect pancreatic cancer on its own, but it can be used in conjunction with other biomarkers that can indicate the presence of the disease. After a diagnosis, the CA 19.9Radioimmunoassay (RIA) blood test can be used to monitor the disease’s progression in some patients.

Not every pancreatic cancer patient will have a high CA 19.9level.

High CA 19.9levels can be caused by conditions other than cancer.

The CA 19.9test by itself cannot be used to diagnose or screen for pancreatic cancer. Instead, doctors frequently use it to assess the efficacy of a treatment.

When is the CA 19.9 test administered

CA 19-9 levels may be measured as part of a panel of biomarkers in a blood test to detect the disease early. Patients may also be given the test if they have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. If the CA 19.9level was elevated prior to treatment, patients may be tested before, during, and after treatment to determine success.

Why Is the CA 19.9 Test Administered –

Changes in CA 19-9 levels help doctors determine whether the tumour is growing, staying the same, or shrinking. This assists doctors in determining whether to alter treatment or conduct additional tests or scans.

How Is the CA 19.9 Test Performed –

A blood sample is drawn from the patient and sent to a lab for analysis to determine the level of CA 19.9 in the blood. A radioimmunoassay, or RIA, test is used to analyze this blood sample. Radioimmunoassay is a laboratory technique used to detect specific substances in the blood.

What Do the CA 19.9 Test Results Indicate?

In a healthy person, the normal CA 19.9range is 0-37 units per milliliter. CA 19.9levels may be elevated in pancreatic cancer patients.

Generally speaking:

Rising CA 19.9 levels indicate that the tumor is growing.

If the values remain constant, the disease may be stable.

Reduced CA 19.9values may indicate that treatment is working and that the tumor or amount of cancer in the body is shrinking.

A decrease in CA 19.9levels after treatment followed by an increase later may indicate that the tumor has returned or grown.

How Frequently Is the Test Administered –

The frequency with which the CA 19.9 tests are performed is determined by the doctor. If the tumor appears to be growing during treatment, the CA 19.9test may be repeated weekly or at the end of each round of treatment.

If a patient is not currently receiving treatment, the CA 19.9test may be used on occasion to determine whether the patient should resume treatment or undergo additional testing. CA 19.9tests may be administered to people who have had surgery as part of their follow-up care.

What Other Factors Contribute to Elevated CA 19-9 Levels –

A high CA 19.9level is usually associated with pancreatic cancer. However, other cancers, such as colorectal, lung, and gallbladder cancer, can cause elevated levels.

Non-cancerous conditions that can result in elevated CA 19.9 levels include:

  • Gallstones
  • Infection of the liver (cholangitis)
  • Bile duct obstruction (jaundice)
  • Pancreatitis (swelling of the pancreas) (swelling of the pancreas)
  • Cystic fibrosis (CF)
  • Disease of the Liver

CA 19.9levels may rise during radiation therapy as dying cancer cells release CA 19.9. As a result, the test is rarely performed while the patient is undergoing radiation treatment.


  •  CA 19.9  Test Lab in Delhi
  • CA 19.9  Test  Cost in Delhi
  •  CA 19.9Test in Delhi
  •  CA 19.9 Test  near me

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